Thursday, February 16, 2006


One Hell of a Day!

On an average day, I might have such anxiety over simple things like should I go shopping or not. Or, I might have such an aversion to putting on hot pepper lotion and will fight it even though I know it works wonders for my feet. It really makes me wonder how I find my inner strength when I need it. Today was one of those days!

My dog has a fatty tissue lump on her back leg. It's been there almost 2 years and has not bothered her. She injured it a week ago. I've been tending to it and it's been healing nicely. She's been wearing a hood to keep her away from it.

Yesterday, I went to my Mom's house for two hours to help her babysit my 3 year old niece. When we got home, I was in a panic. Somehow, Sierra ripped off the hood and then proceeded to tear open her lump. The living room resembles a crime scene.

We rushed her to the Vets. After they cleaned her up and bandaged her, I consulted with the Vet. We decided it'd be best to remove the lump.

I managed to get some sleep last night but was up from 5 am on. Sierra was dropped off for her surgery at 8am. And, then I waited, and waited, and waiting. God, how I hate waiting!!! The phone rang at 11:30am. It was the Vet. Sierra was doing great but... A big BUT! They couldn't remove the lump. When they went in, it turned out something else was there besides the fatty tissue. They decided that a surgery specialist needed to do the work because they didn't want to damage the leg.

After three telephone calls and an office visit, we brought her home. She seemed none the worst for the ordeal except for being tired. Tuesday we go to the specialist to see what's going on. It could be serious or not.

Somehow I have made it through the day. I am beyond tired right now and am bordering on the silly stage. It's remarkable that my normally topsy turvy stomach has made it through. I feel better that she is home, but I sure dread next week!

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